
Suppose that the makes a law that you no longer have to pay for the gas you put in your car. Instead, your car must pay for its own gas.

This is absurd. Your car does not have any money. You will have to give your car money so that your car can pay for gas. Gas will cost you just as much as it did before.

Like a car, and like the government, businesses have no money except what they take from people. If the government reduces your taxes and increases taxes on businesses, businesses will increase the amount of money they take from you by increasing prices or by reducing wages. You will not be any better off.

All taxes are paid by people. Income taxes are paid by people directly. Business taxes are paid by people indirectly.

When the government taxes businesses, the government is lying. The government is pretending that the government is not taxing people when the government is taxing people. Business taxes are bad because the government should not lie to people.

When the government taxes businesses, business managers decide who to take money from. The government does not know who the business managers will take money from to pay the taxes. The government does not know what effect the business tax will have on ordinary people. The government does not know who will become poorer because money was taken from them to pay the tax. The government does not know whether or not the tax is fair. Business taxes are bad because the government should not impose taxes without understanding the consequences of those taxes.

When business managers decide who to take money from to pay business taxes, the business managers will try to avoid taking money from themselves. The owners of the businesses will encourage the managers to avoid taking money from the owners. So the managers are most likely to take the money from the workers or the customers. Business managers will probably shift business taxes onto the weakest, poorest, and most powerless people. Business taxes are likely to increase the gap between rich and poor. If the purpose of business taxes is to tax business owners and managers, then it would be better if the government eliminated taxes on businesses and taxed business owners and managers directly.

When the government taxes businesses, the government is privatizing taxation. Why are the socialists who are most opposed to privatizing government services so much in favor of privatizing taxes?

When the government privatizes taxation, the businesses which are collecting the taxes for the government will probably try to make a profit from the taxes. The businesses may take more money from people than the government demands, and keep the extra for themselves.
