Once upon a time there was a doctor named George W. Bush. One day doctor George W. Bush was walking down the street when doctor George W. Bush saw a sick person named Iraq. Doctor George W. Bush was distressed at the sight of the sick person named Iraq, and doctor George W. Bush decided to help the sick person named Iraq. Doctor George W. Bush gave the sick person named Iraq a large dose of poison, and the sick person named Iraq died.
Then the Bush-haters said it was wrong to try to help a sick person. The Bush-haters said that only an evil person would want to help a sick person. The Bush-haters said that any doctor who tried to help a sick person was guilty of crimes against humanity.
Doctor George W. Bush used the wrong medicine, but doctor George W. Bush gave the medicine to the right patient. So doctor George W. Bush is only half wrong, while the Bush-haters are all wrong. Doctor George W. Bush is a danger to society because doctor George W. Bush harms his patients. But the Bush-haters are a greater danger to society, because the Bush-haters want to stop any doctor from helping any patient.
It was right for America to invade Iraq. It is right for America to liberate foreign people from oppressive dictatorships. Invading Iraq will eventually reduce terrorism against America. Terrorism against America is caused by problems inside the arab nations. To reduce terrorism against America, America must solve the internal problems of the arab nations. Invading Iraq makes it easier for America to solve the internal problems of Iraq, and a successful solution to the internal problems of Iraq will make it easier for America to solve the internal problems of the other arab nations.
The problem is that the George W. Bush adminstration is failing to solve the internal problems of Iraq. It should be easy to solve the internal problems of Iraq. A free nation requires tolerance and limits to government power. Iraq is divided into many factions, so the only alternative to tolerance and limits to government power is civil war. It should be easy to persuade the people of Iraq to accept tolerance and limits to government power because the alternative is worse.
But the George W. Bush adminstration is so incompetent that they cannot solve an easy problem like Iraq. The George W. Bush adminstration has the right problem, but the wrong solution.
Afghanistan is more difficult to reform than Iraq. Although Afghanistan is also divided into many factions like Iraq, the secular middle class who are most opposed to civil war is smaller in Afganistan than in Iraq. Afghanistan also has a weaker economy than Iraq because Afghanistan has poorer transportation and the work force is less skilled. But the George W. Bush adminstration is having more problems in Iraq than in Afghanistan. The reason for this is that the George W. Bush adminstration is trying to do more in Iraq than in Afghanistan. The harder the incompetent George W. Bush adminstration tries to impose the wrong solutions onto the problems of Iraq, the worse the problems become.
Al Gore, Howard Dean, and John Kerry would be even more incompetent.
The right reason to invade and occupy Iraq is to solve the internal problems of Iraq, which would help the people of Iraq and would eliminate the causes of terrorism against America. But since the George W. Bush adminstration is too incompetent to solve the internal problems of Iraq, then the invasion and occupation of Iraq is pointless. But the invasion and occupation of Iraq is not wrong.
President George W. Bush is not evil. President George W. Bush is incompetent. President George W. Bush is unable to find solutions. The Bush-haters cannot even find the problems.
President George W. Bush has the right strategy, but the wrong tactics. The opponents of President George W. Bush have the wrong strategy.
Just like in the Vietnam War and protests, the government is incompetent and the protesters are insane.