
Libertarians favor free markets.

In a free market, a business has a market share. Market shares change constantly. Successful businesses gain market share. Unsuccessful business lose market share. New businesses are created. Failed business are dissolved.

Nations also have market share. Some land belongs to one nation, and other land belongs to a different nation. Some people belong to one nation, and other people belong to a different nation.

Nation market shares do not change. Successful nations do not gain territory. Unsuccessful nations do not lose territory. New nations are not created. Failed nations are not dissolved.

It is good for successful businesses to gain market share and for unsuccessful businesses to lose market share. Is it good for successful nations to gain market share, and for unsuccessful nations to lose market share?

Libertarians oppose intervention in foreign nations.

Libertarians oppose intervention in foreign nations because intervention is a violation of human rights, an abuse of government power, and results in an expansion of government power. These are good libertarian reasons to oppose intervention in foreign nations.

Noninterventionism requires respecting national borders. Respecting national borders means that the market share of every nation is fixed.

It is not logical for libertarians to favor changing market share for businesses and fixed market share for nations.

Suppose Ford cheats the customers of Ford. Should General Motors care? Ford is not hurting General Motors. But it is an opportunity for General Motors to gain market share. Suppose Saddam Hussein is violating the human rights of the people of Iraq. Should America care? Saddam Hussein is not hurting America. But is this an opportunity for America to gain market share?

When two nations agree to recognize and respect each other's right to exist, the two governments agree to not try to win each other's customers. The two governments agree to not offer each other's citizens better services at a lower cost. The two governments are creating a cartel to fix prices. The two governments are creating a conspiracy to cheat their customers.

I think that successful nations should gain territory, and unsuccessful nations should lose territory. I think that it should be easy to create new nations, and it should be easy to dissolve failed nations.

The obvious way to redistribute territory from unsuccessful nations to successful nations is through war. But war is expensive and violent. Why isn't there an inexpensive and peaceful way to redistribute territory from unsuccessful nation to successful nations? Why don't nations peacefully compete for territory and citizens like businesses peacefully compete for customers?
