The government should repeal all patents, including drug patents.
The government should repeal the income tax.
The government should require all people to give a share of their incomes to public service organizations, using a formula like an income tax formula. The government would tell you how much money to donate, you would decide which public service organizations to donate the money to. The government would investigate and prosecute fraudulent public service organizations and people who failed to give enough money to public service organizations.
The government should not license or regulate health care workers or businesses.
If this program was implemented, then I predict that many people would donate a lot of money to public service organizations which provide health care.
I predict that people would donate money to pay fixed capital costs like hospital construction, purchase of expensive medical equipment like mri scanners or kidney dialysis machines, education of doctors and nurses and other medical workers, and research. With major costs already paid, doctors and hospitals would only need to charge modest fees, similar to the copays of some insurance plans. Middle class people could easily pay these modest medical care costs without needing insurance.
I predict that people would donate money to public service organizations which discover and test new drugs. Since drug research and testing would be paid for by donations instead of by monopoly profits, and because drug manufacture would be competitive without patent monopolies, drugs would be inexpensive.
I predict that people would donate money to public service organizations which provide free health care to poor people.
I predict that without government licenses or regulation, people would prefer doctors and hospitals which had been certified by reputable, independent rating organizations.
I predict that more money would be donated towards preventive health care than towards cosmetic or luxury health care.
I am in favor of competive federalism. This health care program should be implemented by a competing government. This health care program should not be implemented by the central government. The central government should not encourage competing governments to implement this health care plan. The central government should not discourage competing governments from implementing a different health care plan. This is a program for a competing government, and the central government should not be involved at all.