Many people on the left complain about the high cost of drugs, and about the high cost of university education.
Since these problems are similar, a rational person might suppose that both problems would have the same solution.
But the left wingers want to make drugs more affordable by imposing price controls on drug companies, and the left wingers want to make university education more affordable by giving more money to universities.
If imposing price controls on drug companies is such a great idea, why don't the left wingers want to impose price controls on universities? If giving more money to universities is such a great idea, why don't the left wingers want to give more money to drug companies?
The answer is that the left wingers are motivated by selfishness and greed. The real agenda of the left wingers is to take money from everyone else and give money to themselves. The left wingers believe that the universities are part of the left wing, and so the left wingers want to give money to the universities. The left wingers believe that the drug companies are not part of the left wing, and so the left wingers want to take money away from the drug companies.