It is impossible for any person to care about other people equally. You always care more about some people than about other people. If government leaders care about people, then the government leaders will try to help the people whom the government leaders care most about. The result will be discrimination against the people whom the government leaders care less about. It is not possible to hate other people equally either. Only someone who does not care about other people can treat other people equally.
The government cannot help anyone without hurting someone else. The government cannot pay Paul without robbing Peter. The government should avoid helping people unless absolutely neccessary in order to avoid hurting other people.
Politicians who emphasize helping people are probably disregarding or denying how their policies hurt other people. Such politicians are dangerous.
Suppose a doctor is traveling to the hospital. The doctor sees and accident and stops and saves the life of the accident victim. Meanwhile ten other people die at the hospital because the doctor was not there. The doctor should ignored the accident victim and left the accident victim to die and continued to the hospital and saved the lives of ten people.