Suppose that the governments decrees that you no longer have to pay for gas for your car. From now on, your car must pay for the gas.
This is absurd. Your car does not have any money. You will have to give your car money so that your car can pay for gas. You will not save any money.
The same principle applies to business taxes. The only money which businesses have is the money which businesses collect from people. If the government cuts your taxes and increases business taxes, then businesses will take more money from you by cutting your pay and increasing the prices of the stuff you buy, and you will not save any money. You may end up poorer, because businesses will want to make a profit from the taxes they collect from you and pay to the government.
When the government taxes businesses, the government is really privatising the collection of taxes from people. Instead of collecting a small amount of money from a large number of people, the government collects a large amount of money from a small number of businesses, and the businesses then collect the money from people. It is easier for the government to collect taxes from businesses than from people because the problem of figuring out how much money to collect from each individual person, and the problem of prosecuting people who do not pay, is shifted from the government tax collectors to businesses. But will businesses collect taxes as fairly as government tax collectors?
Privatisation of taxes allows the government to hide behind the private tax collectors. The government commands businesses to take money from people and give the money to the government, and then the government declares that it is shocked and outraged that businesses are taking money from people. The government can demand high taxes, and when the public objects to the high taxes, the government can maintain its popularity by punishing the private tax collectors for the crime of doing exactly what the government wanted them to do. This was a favorite trick of King Henry VIII of England, whose first act of government was to execute his father's tax collectors Richard Empson and Edmund Dudley. The kings of France had a tax called taille, where one person in a village would be commanded to pay the king a large amount of money, and that person would be permitted to take as much money as he wished from any peasant (rich people were exempt) in the village he wished. If a peasant objected to the size of his tax bill, the king would say that he had had no part in deciding how large a tax bill to send to that peasant. (The taille was one of the causes of the French Revolution.) Privatising taxes makes it easier for the government to blame the tax collectors for high taxes. Taxes are alway unpopular. By privatising taxes, the government can privatise the unpopularity of taxes.
Sometimes privatisation reduces waste, so maybe business taxes are a good idea, because businesses may be able to collect taxes from people more efficiently than the government can collect taxes from people. But sometimes the government imposes so many regulations on anything that is privatised that privatisation results in less efficiency, not more. If the government is corrupt or incompetent, then the government is unlikely to privatise correctly, and privatisation is unlikely to increase efficiency or reduce waste.
Business taxes are privatised taxes. Socialists are opposed to privatising anything and are in favor of privatising taxes. This is yet another example of how illogical and irrational socialists are. If the socialists are really opposed to privatisation, then the socialists should seek to repeal all business taxes.
When the government taxes businesses, the business managers shift the taxes onto people, and the managers decide which people to shift the taxes onto. The managers obviously do not want to shift the taxes onto themselves. The managers do not want to shift the taxes onto the owners, because the owners might fire the managers. So the managers will shift the taxes onto the workers and customers. So businesss taxes are taxes on poor workers and customers, and rich managers and owners are exempt. Business taxes are a way of taxing the poor and giving to the rich. Business taxes make the rich richer and the poor poorer.