
Humans, like other social animals, seek to increase their social status. One way to increase social status is to attack those who already have high social status. But often those who achieve high social status are those who are better than everyone else. Thus societies have a tendency to persecute the people and organizations which improve the quality of life for everyone in the society.

You can gain more social status by attacking a powerful person or organization than by attacking a weak person or organization. Attacking a weak person or organization is a low risk method of achieving a small increase in social status. Attacking a powerful person or organization is a high risk method of achieving a large increase in social status. In a primitive society, such attacks are likely to be violent. In a civilized society, such attacks are more likely to be verbal.

The more successful and powerful and important you are, the more others will attack you, and the more enemies you will have.

People or organizations which are powerful could use their power to do harm. People instinctively know that powerful people and organizations are dangerous people and organizations. People instinctively oppose powerful people and organizations as a form of self defense. Thus if a person or organization becomes powerful by helping people, some people will oppose the person or organization and try to stop the person or organization from helping people.

General Motors was the best run business in America in the middle of the twentieth century. The quality of cars improved, and cars became more affordable, which improved the standard of living of most people. But some people were angry at the success of General Motors, and asked the government to make it illegal for a business to be as well run as General Motors, to force General Motors to be as mismanaged as other businesses, to stop General Motors from making cars better and more affordable.

The same is true of Walmart at the end of the twentieth century. Walmart was so well managed and efficient that Walmart caused prices of consumer goods to fall, which kept inflation low, which caused interest rates to decline, which resulted in prosperity for America. But some people were angry at the success of Walmart, and asked the government to make it illegal for a business to be as well run as Walmart, to force Walmart to be as mismanaged as other businesses, to stop Walmart from bringing prosperity to America.

The same is true of America. America is badly governed, but most other nations have even worse governments, so America is better governed than most other nations. The government of America implements economic policies which are less bad than the economic policies of other governments. This has made America richer and more prosperous than other nations. But the success of America makes some people angry, and so some people demand that international law should forbid America to be better governed than other nations, to force America to be as badly governed as other nations.

America has more enemies than any other nation because America is the most successful nation.

People also attack the causes of success. If one person is successful by being good, someone else will say that it is bad to be good.

Walmart has been successful by reducing prices, so the enemies of Walmart say it is bad to reduce prices. Thus the left loonies say if poor people cannot afford to buy things, the solution is to raise the prices.

America has been successful because of good economic policies. The enemies of America attack anything which is associated with America, including good economic policies. Thus the enemies of America demand bad economic policies.

People in some other nations hate America, which causes them to demand bad economic policies, which makes them poorer, which makes them less powerful than America, which makes them hate America even more, which causes them to demand even worse economic policies, which makes them even poorer, which makes them even less powerful than America, which makes them hate America even more, etc.

America is the most powerful nation, so America is capable of doing more damage than any other nation. Thus some people feel that America is the greatest threat to world peace. Not because of american actions, but because of american capabilities. Thus some people feel they must oppose anything America does, reqardless of whether the actions of America are right or wrong. Thus if some psychopathic terrorists attacked America, some other nations would support the psychopathic terrorists. This is an unavoidable consequence of being the most powerful nation.

Some nations will oppose anything America tries to do. It will be difficult for America to build a coalition to do anything. This is an unavoidable consequence of being the most powerful nation. Therefore, America should be prepared to conduct a unilateral foreign policy, or else no foreign policy at all.

America has a choice of three foreign policies: isolationism, surrender, or imperialism. I think imperialism is preferable to isolationism or surrender.

America could use antiamericanism as a weapon. Freedom, tolerance, and capitalism have made America the most powerful nation on earth. America could emphasizes freedom, tolerance, and capitalism as american values. Then America could provoke the enemies of America, and incite the enemies of America to greater hatred of America and everything associated with America, including greater hatred of freedom, tolerance, and capitalism. By rejecting freedom, tolerance, and capitalism the enemies of America will make themselves weaker and will eventually destroy themselves.
