If your web browser formats this page incorrectly, try viewing the page source. In netscape 4, click the view menu, then click page source. This is how I installed Corel Photopaint into redhat 7.2. Probably this applies to all redhat 7.x versions, and may apply to other versions of linux. Photopaint is really a windows program. To run photopaint in linux, we need wine. Photopaint includes three versions of wine. One wine for glibc 2.1, one wine for glibc 2.0, and one wine for wordperfect office. Photopaint wine installs into /usr/lib/corel, so if you already have some other version of wine installed in /usr/lib/wine and /usr/bin, there will not be any conflicts; you can have both versions of wine installed. Some people say to download the latest version of wine. You do not need to download the latest version of wine. The version of wine which is included with photopaint has been modified for use with photopaint, so this is the version of wine which you should use with photopaint. Any other version of wine would probably not work. The script which starts photopaint uses photopaint wine, so if you download the latest version of wine, it will have no effect on photopaint; photopaint will still use photopaint wine. If you want to try some other version of wine, you will probably have to modify the script which starts photopaint, which is /usr/lib/corel/Graphics9/bin/gfxlauncher. You will also probably have to add some photopaint stuff to the registry, and add some photopaint directories to the dll path. It is probably possible to run the linux version of photopaint from windows. But photopaint does not include an installer for windows, so you will have figure out what directory to put the various files in, manually add photopaint stuff to the registry, etc. I do not know how to do this. The photopaint linux install program selects the glibc 2.1 versions of wine and fonttastic for use with redhat 7.2. Redhat 7.2 actually has glibc 2.2, not glibc 2.1. This is not a problem. Glibc 2.1 wine and fonttastic run fine with redhat 7.2 glibc 2.2. The fonttastic font server included with photopaint includes a start script for redhat and suse linux in /etc/rc.d/init.d, plus a start script for corel and debian linux in /etc/init.d. However, redhat 7.2 has /etc/init.d as a link to /etc/rc.d/init.d. This prevents the fonttastic font server from installing. When you run the photopaint install program, it fails to install the fonttastic font server, and it does not display any messages telling you that fonttastic is not installed, and photopaint does not run. You can install the fonttastic font server manually with rpm --force. However, that means that both start scripts go into the same directory, so the second script overwrites the first script, and then the fontastic install script deletes the second script because it is not needed for redhat, and so you end up with no start script at all! So then you have to manually install the start script. The solution is to redirect or rename or delete /etc/init.d BEFORE you install photopaint, and then fonttastic will be installed correctly and automatically by the photopaint install program. If you have already installed photopaint and the fontastic font server failed to install, get rid of /etc/init.d and then do rpm --install /tmp/photopaint/dists/redhat/i386/fonttastic-glibc-2.1-2000. Corel has provided an updated libaps for use with photopaint. You might or might not need the updated libaps, depending on what version of linux you have and what printer you have. I need the updated libaps. If I try to run photopaint with the old libaps, it displays this error message: wine: readwriteprintcap.c:641: ParseLprPrintcapBuffers: Assertion `(charsCopied < 4)' failed and photopaint does not start. The message is displayed in the xterm window where I entered the command to start photopaint, not in a special error message window; so if you are trying to start photopaint without using an xterm window, you will probably not see the error message; you will only see that photopaint does not start. The error message comes from the file /usr/lib/libaps.so.0.0.0. If I delete /usr/lib/libaps.so.0.0.0, photopaint will start, but photopaint cannot be used because it crashes as soon as I try to open a file. This is how I installed photopaint. First download photopaint: ftp://ftp2.corel.com/pub/linux/PhotoPaint9/CorelPHOTOPAINT9LnxRPM.tar.gz If that does not work, try one of these: ftp://ftp.corel.com/pub/linux/PhotoPaint9/CorelPHOTOPAINT9LnxRPM.tar.gz ftp://ftp.hacktic.nl/pub/varia/CorelPhotoPaint/CorelPHOTOPAINT9LnxRPM.tar.gz http://linux.corel.com/products/pp9/eula.htm http://linux.corel.com/products/pp9/download.htm Then download the updated libaps: ftp://ftp2.corel.com/pub/linux/Graphics9/updates/rpm/libaps-1.0-1568.0.i386.rpm If that does not work, try one of these: http://linux.corel.com/support/update_libaps.htm http://linux.corel.com/support/updates.htm Then run these commands: mv /etc/init.d /etc/init.d.renamed mkdir /tmp/photopaint cd /tmp/photopaint tar -xzf /tmp/downloads/CorelPHOTOPAINT9LnxRPM.tar.gz ./install # requires xwindows rpm --upgrade /tmp/downloads/libaps-1.0-1568.0.i386.rpm cd rm -fr /tmp/photopaint mv /etc/init.d.renamed /etc/init.d There are 100 megabytes of temporary files for photopaint. If you do not have a lot of free space in /tmp, maybe you should use /usr/photopaint.tmp instead of /tmp/photopaint. The program 'install' needs to be run from xwindows. The other commands do not need to be run from xwindows. To run photopaint, run xwindows and run the command 'photopaint'. To add photopaint to gnome, icewm, and kde menus, use a text editor to create a file named /etc/X11/applnk/Graphics/photopaint.desktop or /etc/X11/applnk/Graphics/photopaint.kdelnk like this: [Desktop Entry] Name=photopaint Comment=Corel PHOTO-PAINT 9 Exec=photopaint Icon=/usr/X11R6/share/icons/corelppaint.xpm MimeType=image/x-corel-photo-paint Terminal=0 Type=Application Photopaint installs the fonttastic font server. Redhat 7.2 already includes the xfs font server. So we can save a little memory and cpu time by loading the photopaint fonts into xfs, and not running fonttastic. However, the script which starts photopaint automatically starts fonttastic and will abort if it cannot start fonttastic. Therefore we need to modify the photopaint start script if we want to eliminate fonttastic. Also, the photopaint fonts are in two directories; I think it is more efficient to put the fonts into one directory. If we combine the two fonts directories, we also need to combine the two fonts.dir files. My way to combine the two fonts.dir files is to create a fonts.scale file and let mkfontdir create the fonts.dir file. Mkfontdir does not care if the first line of fonts.scale is the wrong number, so I put '1' for the first line of fonts.scale. Then we can copy the two fonts.dir files to fonts.scale, except we need to delete the first line of each fonts.dir file. My way to delete the first line of each fonts.dir file is to use grep to throw away every line which does not include a space. Run these commands: mkdir --parents /usr/share/fonts/ttf cp /usr/share/fonts/wprequired/*.ttf /usr/share/fonts/ttf cp /usr/share/fonts/userfonts/*.ttf /usr/share/fonts/ttf if ! test -f /usr/share/fonts/ttf/fonts.scale then echo 1 > /usr/share/fonts/ttf/fonts.scale fi cat /usr/share/fonts/wprequired/fonts.dir \ /usr/share/fonts/userfonts/fonts.dir \ | grep ' '>> /usr/share/fonts/ttf/fonts.scale mkfontdir /usr/share/fonts/ttf rpm --erase wpo2000-fonts-core-2000. rpm --erase fonttastic-glibc-2.1-2000. Use your favorite text editor to edit /etc/X11/fs/config and add /usr/share/fonts/ttf to the font path. Use your favorite text editor to edit /usr/lib/corel/Graphics9/bin/gfxlauncher and delete the parts about xset and fonttastic. Or you could use a program like ttmkfdir to generate fonts.scale. Or you might want to keep fontastic. Fontastic may have more features than xfs. Fontastic may report font errors better than xfs. Fontastic may automatically check and update fonts.scale and fonts.dir, and may automatically generate fonts.scale and fonts.dir for *.ttf fonts. Sometimes when you try to start photopaint, it displays an error message window which says no fonts found; when you click ok to close the error message window, the same error message window is displayed again several times. Photopaint does not start. The last message displayed in the xterm window where you started photopaint is err:dc:DCE_FreeWindowDCE [01df] GetDC() without ReleaseDC()! err:winhelp:WINHELP_HTMLOpenHHLPFile Could not find file [] to launch help This error could occur if you did not install the photopaint fonts, or if you have a problem with your font server. This error can also occur if you have too many fonts. If you are sure you have your fonts and font server installed and configured correctly, try putting the photopaint fonts at the beginning of the font path, or try removing some directories from the font path. When photopaint wine builds font metrics, I have seen the xterm window fills with font error messages. I am not sure if these error messages come from photopaint, wine, or fontastic. These errors are probably not the fault of photopaint/wine/fontastic. Photopaint/wine/fontastic reports errors which other programs ignore. For example, in redhat 7.2, the font files in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/Type1 are gzipped, but in fonts.scale the fonts are listed as not gzipped. Thus, photopaint/wine/fontastic can be used to check for font errors. When you run photopaint, the wine configuration file you are using is $HOME/.graphics9rc; not $HOME/.graphics9/config. You might want to add the photopaint wine libs to the lib path, and configure binfmt_misc to use photopaint wine to run windows programs. echo /usr/lib/corel/wine-graphics9/lib >> /etc/ld.so.conf ldconfig modprobe binfmt_misc echo ':windows:M::MZ::/usr/lib/corel/wine-graphics9/bin/wine:' \ > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register echo ':windowsPE:M::PE::/usr/lib/corel/wine-graphics9/bin/wine:' \ > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register cp /usr/lib/corel/Graphics9/etc/user.graphics9/wine.conf $HOME/.winerc Or you might want to create a shell script to use photopaint wine to run other windows programs in linux: #!/bin/sh export PATH=/usr/lib/corel/wine-graphics9/bin:$PATH export WINEPREFIX=.graphics9 # use the photopaint wine configuration # for other windows programs if [ -z "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ] then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/corel/wine-graphics9/lib else export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/corel/wine-graphics9/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH fi wine $* exit $? However, many windows programs require specific dlls, or require some entries in the registry, or have other configuration requirements. Therefore it is probably best to create a seperate shell script for each windows program you run, so you can have a different wine configuration for each windows program, and maybe even a different version of wine for each windows program. Photopaint wine may be more stable than the latest developer's release of wine. When I run photopaint, the following messages are displayed in the xterm window where I started photopaint: To use WINEPS you need to install some AFM files. To use WINEPS you need to install some AFM files. I do not know what these messages mean. The photopaint install program installs the following rpm packages: libwine-graphics9-glibc-2.1-2000. wine-graphics9-glibc-2.1-2000. wpo2000-fonts-core-2000. fonttastic-glibc-2.1-2000. libaps-1.0-1511.0 graphics9-paint-2000. graphics9-common-2000. graphics9-help-paint-2000. graphics9-help-techsupport-2000. graphics9-help-common-2000. menu-2.1.5rpm-1 menusupport-redhat-2000. The readme says you can skip the install program, and use rpm to install those packages, in that order. That would allow you to install photopaint without using xwindows, or to install photopaint noninteractively. But none of the packages includes the file /usr/lib/corel/Graphics9/etc/user.graphics9/wine.conf. /usr/lib/corel/Graphics9/etc/user.graphics9/wine.conf is created from /usr/lib/corel/Graphics9/etc/user.graphics9/wine.conf.in by the postinstal script of graphics9-common-2000. If you are missing wine.conf, copy wine.conf.in to wine.conf. Photopaint install also changes /etc/mime.types; it adds the following two lines to the end of /etc/mime.types: # the following type was added by the Corel Photo-Paint graphics9-paint package image/x-corelphotopaint cpt Some other packages you might want to install are libaps-dev-1.0-1511.0.i386.rpm libwine-dev-graphics9-glibc-2.1-2000. wine-doc-graphics9-2000. wine-tools-glibc-2.1-2000. wine-tools-graphics9-glibc-2.1-2000. The readme file mentions another package, graphics9-help-writingtools. That package is not included in the downloadable version of photopaint. Photopaint install also installs a program called menu. Every program is supposed to put files into /usr/lib/menu, containing information on how to create menu items for that program. Then the system administrator is supposed to put more menu data files into /etc/menu. Window managers and other menu programs are supposed to put a script in /etc/menu-methods. The scripts use the menu data in /usr/lib/menu and /etc/menu to generate menus. However, redhat rpm packages do not put menu data files in /usr/lib/menu or scripts in /etc/menu-methods, so if you want to use menu, you will have to create your own menu data files and menu generating scripts. Debian packages may include data for menu. If that seems like too much work, then you may want to delete menu: rpm --erase menu-2.1.5rpm-1 rpm --erase menusupport-redhat-2000. This is the script I use to start photopaint: #!/bin/sh # run photopaint using corel wine export PATH=/usr/lib/corel/Graphics9/bin:/usr/lib/corel/wine-graphics9/bin:$PATH # warn if user is running as root if [ "`whoami`" = "root" ] then /usr/lib/corel/Graphics9/bin/kmessage -escape -title "Warning: Corel PHOTO-PAINT" -buttons '&Yes,,&No' "It is not recommended to run this program as user root.\nDo you wish to continue?" 2>/dev/null if [ "$?" -eq "102" ]; then exit 1; fi fi # sanity check, make sure DISPLAY variable is set if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ] then echo "DISPLAY variable is not set. Make sure you are running X." echo "Correct the problem and try again." exit 1 fi # If user has no per-user setup directory then we assume they have # never run the applications before and should therefore read and # accept the license agreement. if [ ! -e "$HOME/.graphics9" ] then if [ ! -f /usr/lib/corel/Graphics9/bin/license ] then echo "Missing /usr/lib/corel/Graphics9/bin/license, skipping license acceptance" elif [ ! -f /usr/lib/corel/Graphics9/bin/license.txt ] then echo "Missing /usr/lib/corel/Graphics9/bin/license.txt, skipping license acceptance" else pushd /usr/lib/corel/Graphics9/bin >/dev/null ./license >/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ "$?" -ne "1" ] then exit 1 fi popd >/dev/null fi fi # Do the per-user setup. setupGRAPHICS9 --update # Check for a stale wineserver socket left around after a crash. # We need to delete it so that the application can launch again. if [ -e "$HOME/.graphics9/wineserver-$HOSTNAME/socket" ] then # Don't delete the socket if there are any running wine processes. # We expect one from the grep command. if [ `ps | grep /usr/lib/corel/wine-graphics9/bin/wine | wc -l` -le 1 ] then echo "Deleting stale wineserver socket in $HOME/.graphics9/wineserver-$HOSTNAME/socket" rm -f $HOME/.graphics9/wineserver-$HOSTNAME/socket >/dev/null 2>/dev/null fi fi # check for Wine options, preceeded by '--' _WINE_GotPlusPlus=0 _WINE_AppArgs="" for x in $@; do if [ $x = "--" ]; then _WINE_GotPlusPlus=1 elif [ $_WINE_GotPlusPlus -eq 0 ]; then _WINE_AppArgs=$_WINE_AppArgs" "$x else _WINE_OPTIONS_FOR_DRAW9=$_WINE_OPTIONS_FOR_DRAW9" "$x fi done # Need to set environment variable for config file prefix export WINEPREFIX=.graphics9 if [ -z "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ] then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/corel/wine-graphics9/lib else export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/corel/wine-graphics9/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH fi # Check for the Wine -debug and -profile options. If it is enabled # then we need to disable the progress UI since it interferes with # standard error. for arg in $_WINE_OPTIONS_FOR_DRAW9 do if [ "$arg" = "-debug" -o "$arg" = "-profile" ] then WINE_DEBUG=1 break fi done # invoke the application with the appropriate version of wine. if [ -x /usr/lib/corel/wine-graphics9/bin/progress-gui -a ! "$WINE_DEBUG" ] then /usr/lib/corel/wine-graphics9/bin/wine \ "/usr/lib/corel/Graphics9/Programs/photopnt.exe $_WINE_AppArgs" \ -debugmsg progress+ -winver nt40 -managed $_WINE_OPTIONS_FOR_DRAW9 \ 2>&1 | /usr/lib/corel/wine-graphics9/bin/progress-gui \ -noprogress -title "Corel PHOTO-PAINT" else /usr/lib/corel/wine-graphics9/bin/wine \ "/usr/lib/corel/Graphics9/Programs/photopnt.exe $_WINE_AppArgs" \ -winver nt40 -managed $_WINE_OPTIONS_FOR_DRAW9 fi exit this is based on /usr/lib/corel/Graphics9/bin/gfxlauncher photopaint does not run in fedora core 2. I think the libs for corel wine for glibc 2.1 do not work with the glibc 2.3 included with fedora core 2. I have not tried altering the script which runs photopaint to use an alternate libc. I have not tried using photopaint with a different version of wine.